Wednesday, September 29, 2010

A Furniture Painting Project in My Future?

I acquired some furniture from my Grandmother, Kathleen, when she passed away earlier this year. (We miss our GiGi, and it is nice having reminders of her here and there throughout our home.)

This furniture looks a little out of place in my living room because it is definitely a dated style, but it has grown on me. I replaced the fabric in the panes with the help of my mother-in-law. Previously, my Grandmother had used some cream-colored sheers that just looked dingy with age. Anyhow, when looking at the All Things Thrifty blog today I saw a hutch paint project how-to performed by Brooke at the Crafting Chicks, and I want to know if you think I should do the same treatment on my current hutch.

Here's Brooke's finished product:

Notice how similar these pieces look - specifically, the design on the doors. They could be made by the same manufacturer. Granted, mine looks much better than this one's before picture, in my opinion. It's in great shape and the color complements my current kitchen cabinetry, so it goes in a mismatch kind of way. So, the question is, should I tackle this project (knowing I could totally botch), or leave as is? I also have a matching buffet table that I would do, and I use red throughout my decorating already... I'd just have to choose a shade that doesn't clash with my brick fireplace shown here.

I'd really like to hear what you think!


Recovering Perfectionist said...

kayna, i am loving your blog! ;-) i don't even know if i ever told you about mine. guess you know now!

so, i've never seen your house. BUT, i so think you should go for it! you're right, it's a great piece. it just needs a little lift. as soon as i saw the picture of the project, i was sold. i am certain that i would be a bit nervous, as that is a very nice piece of furniture...and one that would cost a great deal to find on your own. however, i have total confidence in YOU. =)

p.s. thanks for the tips on the north face goodies. i'm all about a great deal! maybe i can work it out for myself. =)
p.s.s. that rocking horse cracks me up. =)

Holly said...

Yep, I'd paint it! You have proof positive that it will look fantastic!