Monday, November 10, 2008

The Kids Love Their Po-Knee

Po-KneeNana and Papa bought the kids a knee horse, which we later learned is called a Po-Knee. They stumbled across it at the Just Between Friends Sale in Tulsa this summer, and the kids can't get enough of it. You actually strap the horse to your leg, and the kids hold the reigns as you make the horse run and buck by moving your leg. It even has a button in the ear that you push to make the clopping sound of horse feet and an occasionally neigh - this was an added bonus that we discovered when we found the battery holder.

My mom bought the Po-Knee for about $12, which we thought was a great bargain for all the fun we have had with it - especially when we researched online and found the retail price. Po-KneeIt was listed for $54.95 at at least one online site - Monster Market Place . If you're a bargain hunter like me and you stumble across one at a garage or similar sale, you'll be happy with your purchase. It's a fun addition for your household, and you also get a great leg workout!

In the picture above, my friend, Jessica, is giving her sweet daughter, Baby Lauren, a ride. Connor likes to ride it when it's on the ground too and click the ear sound. Of course, it's just as much fun for us watching them have a great time.

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