Monday, August 9, 2010

Random Daddy Long Legs

After following someone's tweet I ended up on a website that showed the video embedded here, which brought back memories from a trip to Turner Falls I took one summer while in high school. A friend and I ventured off and came across a small cave opening with tons of daddy long legs covering the top of the entrance, which I remember to be about three feet tall. We had just seen some kids exit the cave, so we figured it was safe to go inside and we had our flashlights. One after another, we reclined face up and inched feet first under the daddy long legs, descending into the cave, all the while praying none dropped on us as we watched the swarm of their bodies bounce up and down rapidly just over head. Once inside, the cave wasn't very big, but it was really fun to find and explore, and those spiders certainly added some excitement. Maybe I should have been a spelunker.

Anyhow, no description could ever paint a picture of my daddy long legs experience, but this video sure does the trick.

My old youth director used to say if you licked a daddy long leg's belly it tastes like peppermint. I must say that I just took his word for it, but this family actually performed their own taste test.

I have no clue how you are supposed to cite YouTube sources on blogs or even if you need to, but here I go:
Website source
YouTube source posted by happysmurfday

1 comment:

Melanie said...

OOh, Kayna!!!! Loved your post, but I hope I don't have nightmares tonite!!!! You're braver than I!!!!